Another work circle was completed at STEGI!!! Each year we notice that we travel an even greater distance of the journey within the self than the previous one. So, also this year, with Gratitude we celebrated and we honored the selves for the work in “HALEPON EAFTON GNONAI” (Thales of Miletus 643 BC). And after the songs of the celebration, we started our excursion to Eastern Crete. In a landscape lush green with plane trees, aromatic plants, oleanders and all kinds of flowers, in the gorge of Richti 50 kilometers after Agios Nikolaos, we softly whispered the verses of Elytis, “Beautiful and strange homeland oh like the one I have, I never saw…”. Τhe gorge follows the riverbed of a small river that creates small ponds, culminating in a waterfall of about 20 meters. We refreshed ourselves in its crystal waters, we were dazzled by the beauty of nature, we smelled its fragrances, colorful butterflies accompanied us, and also turtles and eels came out of their hiding places to greet us! Οur religion says that all kingdoms: mineral, vegetable, animal were created by the Father before us for us! To support our choice to remember who we truly are, as stated in the Platonic theory of Remembrance in “Menon”.
Dusk found us at Toplou Monastery! The history, the tradition imprinted in works of art. We worshipped, we admired and we enjoyed the sensations of the day. Late at night in our accommodation, which is spread out in a vast olive grove in the wider area of Palaikastro, and with the company of cicadas, we fell into the arms of Morpheus.
The next morning we went up hill to ancient Itano! A unique marble half preserved column among the ruins of the ancient city was enough to remind us of what the historians Herodotus and Byzantius wrote about ancient Itano, and others that were not written anywhere. We travelled mentally to the Minoan era when this city flourished and it came alive in our minds and hearts. Beautiful city with numerous marble temples, luxurious marble buildings. In its great port, majestic galleys were loading porphyry and glass for the ports of the East. Industry of porphyry, glass, fishing, shipping, trade and earnings from the sanctuary of Diktaios Zeus. Movement, noise, creation, order, harmony. City and citizens in abundance and creativity. We pondered, why this desolation in this place nowadays. . . What are the obstacles that cease life. . Are they insurmountable. . . ? In the cool waters of the beach of Erimoupolis, we swam and we reminisced!
The next day we headed south. Ano Zakros. A qualified employee of the Museum of Natural History dedicated to the Sitia’s Geopark, told us about the rich water sources, the water mills, the robe mills, the factories of the village and as well as the rare unique rocks of the wider area.
We descended next to the gorge of the dead in Kato Zakros. The endless beach on one side and the impressive mountains on the other mark a landscape where awe overwhelms you. The awe is embellished with happiness if you consider that in this place next to the beach and at the end of the mountain there was a Minoan palace, the fourth largest in size in Minoan Crete. The ruins of the palace, in the fenced archaeological site, are poor compared to the plethora of findings, leaves of gold, ivories, jewels and the fact that it is the only palace that was not looted by smugglers. Administrative center of the Minoans with a great port. In the shade of the large tree, at the entrance of the archaeological site, we rested after our tour. The feelings were mixed. Excitement, sadness, happiness, frustration, optimism. . all at the same time. We dived into the welcoming waters of Xerokampos such as in a purification cistern. The next day at the archaeological site of “Roussollakos” a breath from Palaikastro, where in the Minoan era there was a sanctuary dedicated to Diktaios Zeus, the nous of Zeus “redeemed” us. The findings, the GRAMMIC B and the ancient Greek Literature in its whole range, prove that Minoans had created a great civilization! A civilization that aimed at the prosperity and bliss of the citizens! Thus, in the Minoan era, Crete was an “ideal” place for us today, but a place that was in all respects real. Since it existed then why cannot exist again…
Our excursion was completed with a magical evening at the beach of Kouremenos. We celebrated MariaEléni’s baptism. We experienced the wonder for one evening! The wonder that we can be. “If you can know the self, forgive, love the friends you choose to love, if you see beauty where others don’t, well, then. . . . all can happen. Even a wonder! ” (from the best seller, “WONDER” ).
Notes. This article touches infinitesimally on major fields of knowledge. Aim for skepticism.
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