Another year of virtue lessons has been completed at STEGI! These are difficult lessons since they invite us to confront ourselves only. It is a challenge, this endeavor, as you have no alibi to place the responsibility of your life upon. The responsibility is yours alone
At the end of the 2nd Conference of the “STEGI OF WELFARE AND EXCELLENCE”, We WRITE DOWN with emotion Meanings and Actions.
The opening of the Conference was declared by the deputy regional governor of Crete, Nikos Syrigonakis, who pointed out the importance of the Conference for the intellectual and cultural upgrading of society, as pointed out by those who participated and welcomed the work of the Conference.
“Onward! with upright mesuranian, the torch of Freedom,
you are paving the way Greece, for Human! Onward!
Onward and Greece stood up and banishes the darkness.
Humanity arise and follows her! Onward!”