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One Day Convention: “The Association of Greek Letters and Arts for Welfare and Excellence”

The Association of Greek Letters and Arts for Welfare and Excellence,

in the context of its activities aimed at promoting self-improvement and self-knowledge of human, according to the standards of the ancient Greeks “Know Thyself”, is organizing a One-Day Convention at the Cultural Conference Centre of Heraklion, on Sunday December 22nd, on the subject:

“Philosophy and Psychology converse about the Virtues,
as tools of Edification and Education”

The Convention is honored to be organized with the Support of the Region of Crete and the Collaboration of the Laboratory of Philosophical Counseling and Philosophy of Awareness of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.

The phenomena of our times, wars, socio-economic and cultural crisis, multifarious threats, are the result of the disruption of the objective measures of the values of life. We observe speechless the psychological, social and cultural deadlocks that concern us and all humanity. We must consider that there are bridges that can connect us to what we think is completely lost. Ancient Greek philosophy, from its infancy, aimed to seek happiness for man, as a state of mind, mental and spiritual well-being, which enables him, on the one hand, to effectively cope with all the challenges of life and, on the other hand, to constantly discover optimal versions of himself.

The aim of the work of the Convention is to emerge:

– How ancient philosophical thought is founded on two basic principles.

First principle: I think-ponder, I convert my established beliefs and Ι approach from the subjective point of view, to the objectively correct. To discern what is the fairest way to interact with myself and with others. What actions benefit me and at the same time do not harm others. They are virtues of saneness and prudence.

Second principle: I put the result of my reasoning into practice in my everyday life. What reasoning has shown me to be more correct, beneficial, therefore just, I put into practice with valor. In any experience of interaction with self and others, I leave the old way and I behave with the new knowledge. These are virtues of valor and of “practice by habit.” Thinking sculpts and expands the mind, daily action sculpts and “softens” the heart.

– How Excellence, Philosophy in children, philosophical teachings, art, “Greek Education” is a feasible and viable proposal for the edification and the education of every person and, in particular, of every child who is the hope for tomorrow.

– How philosophical virtues concern all of us whose minds are constantly “chained”, our hearts are “tightened” and the speed with which the world is changing pushes us beyond our limits. Artificial intelligence, digital information, digital education, new demands on the family and school community. The virtues of critical thinking, friendship, responsibility, solidarity can become a bulwark against these challenges that seem insurmountable.

The organization of the One-day Convention, with free admission, implements for the third year the purposes of our Association, with the proposal of cultivating the philosophical virtues as a way of life.

** The program will also be broadcast live on our YouΤube channel.

See the detailed program of the Convention (in Greek):

See the invitation of the Convention (in Greek):